It’s simple, if we don’t drink water, it will effect the our body. The human body is mainly made up of water. Water is your body’s most important nutrient and it is involved in every bodily function,making up 70 – 75% of your total body weight and the main reason why it is so important to drink the required amount of water daily.
Why water is essential for your body?
By not drinking water, your body will struggle to flush out the waste that collects in the body and this can cause many issues. Water helps you to maintain and regulate your bodies temperature, metabolise body fat, helps to digest your daily food, and flushes all the unwanted, bad toxins from your body among numerous other health benefits.
The saying goes, water serves as your body’s transportation system and when you are dehydrated things can’t get around as they are meant to in your body. Did you know that dehydration can also lead to a rise in your blood cholesterol as the blood becomes thicker, this results in resistance to blood flow creating your blood pressure to be elevated. This is your body’s way of trying to minimise water loss from the cells in your body.
What can lack of water do to the body?
In short, lack of water on a daily basis can cause tiredness, energy level to be low, headaches, constipation, dry skin, chapped lips as well as other issues. When you are suffering from severe dehydration, this can affect your blood pressure, blood circulation, digestion of food, weight and kidney function to name but a few.
How can I remember to drink clean, sweet tasting water?
Setting up reminders to drink water can also help. Set a timer on your phone to remind you as you have your phone with you almost 24/7. You can also download the app called Water Balance (there is an app for both iPhone & Android). Apps such as Water Balance will assist you to keep track of how much water you have had throughout the day and will also give you reminder messages. Another idea could be to get a water bottle that you constantly keep with you and mark it with time goals.
All of these ideas will help you to remember to drink water regularly throughout the day. The idea is to also be consistent and in time it will be part of your daily life that you will not need reminders.
Where to next?
Ensuring your drinking water is clear of any harmful bacteria is just as important as remembering to drink water as it has the potential to cause health threats. This is one of the reason why Waterways have developed a CC1 Quad Action filtration system. This system has been specifically designed to provide you with a constant source of clean, sweet tasting water.
Why is it important to consume clean water? With the increase of pollutants which are unfortunately finding their way into our water supply, causing your water to be filled with a high percentage of water toxins.
So not only is it important that you drink water, it is also essential that you and your family drink clean, sweet tasting filtered water.
At Waterways, we provide sophisticated and targeted methods of ensuring your drinking water remains safe to drink and reducing the need for chemical treatments.