Home Drinking Solutions
Waterways believes that it is a basic human right to have access to clean, safe and healthy water.
To us, it’s so much more than water, it’s about long term well being for you and your family.
With a Waterways Water Filter System or tap, you have the best tasting, pure and chemical free water on demand all day, every day!
All households and families are different. The questions is, which Waterways Home Water Drinking Solution is best for you?
Freeflo Undersink Water Filter Systems
Freeflo is the most cost effective home water filter solution we offer to provide our customers with clean, chemical and bacteria free, sweet tasting water on-demand and is less expensive than most competitor brands.
It has been specifically designed to provide you with a constant source of sweet tasting, clean, bacteria & chemical free water for under 25 cents per day over the course of a year.
And you get to chose your own designer tap!
Freeflo Plus Undersink Water Filtering System
Freeflo Plus is the superior home undersink water filtration system available on the Australian market, the best drinking water solution we provide our customers, and is less expensive than most competitor brands.
It has been specifically designed to provide you with a constant source of sweet tasting, clean, bacteria & chemical free water at just 33c per day over the course of a year.
And you get to chose your own designer tap!
Big Blue Whole of House System
Big Blue twin housing kits are used for whole-of-house water treatment, they are fitted with a sediment filter and a carbon filter.
The sediment filter removes dirt, rust and sediment deposits, regardless of water type. As well as improving taste, the carbon filter captures bacteria and removes chlorine, chlorine by- products (trihalomethanes) and odour from mains water. With rain and bore water, the carbon filter captures bacteria and removes colour and odour.
Reverse Osmosis Filter
At Waterways, our Reverse Osmosis Filter System is a water treatment process that removes contaminants from water by using pressure to force water molecules through a semipermeable membrane. During this process, the contaminants are filtered out and flushed away, leaving clean, delicious drinking water.

Through our team of experts, we provide you with:
- Technical advice
- Hassle-free, fast delivery
- Expert installation
- Comprehensive scheduled servicing.
For the very best water, make it Waterways water. Contact us today for a no obligation consult.