Holidays are almost here and that means that Christmas is just around the corner, a very exciting time. The stocking stuffer is that chance to surprise your family and friends with something small and unexpected but will totally love and thank you for.
This year, give your loved ones the CC1 Quad Action drinking water purifier.
You are most probably asking yourself why would I give a water filtration system as a gift?
Most of us think that we naturally consume clean filtered water all day, every day. Unfortunately, this is not the case and the reason why this gift will be a perfect choice. This system has been specifically designed to provide a constant source of clean, sweet tasting water.
The CC1 Quad Action drinking water purifier will filter out all of the harmful bacteria, viruses, pesticides and herbicides and reduce harmful chemicals that are found in the water we consume daily. It will provide them with a convenient, high quality filtered water and an environmentally friendly alternative to spring bottled waters, for a fraction of the cost.
How the CC1 Quad Action Filtration System Works
The design and function of the CC1 is truly remarkable and technologically advanced. The CC1 cartridges incorporate 3 stages of sub-micron filtration for combined maximum performance.
- The CC1 is identifiable from would be pretenders by its 1st stage electrostatically charged white outer wrap. The outer wrap is designed to prevent filtered contaminants from entering and eventually clogging the sub-micron filtration structure of the cartridges.
- The 2nd stage is the internal carbon block
- The 3rd stage of filtration is via a pharmaceutical membrane which is in place to prevent carbon migration
The combined effect of these features is your guarantee that you will always drink high quality, purified water for the entire life of the filter cartridge.
Give your loved ones the quality CC1 Quad Action drinking water purifier for Christmas. This is a Christmas gift that will help them on the way to living a healthy lifestyle.
Image by Andrew Malone on Flickr (CC by 2.0)