Water is a very important part of yours and your child’s health and day to day living. Put simply, if your child does not drink water, it will affect their body as the human body is mainly made up of water. Water is your child’s body’s most important nutrient and it is involved in every part of their bodies function, making up 70 – 75% of their total body weight.
Why water is essential for your children’s body?
By not drinking water, it won’t flush out waste that collects in their body causing many issues down the line.
Water is so essential for the human body as it helps the human body to maintain temperature, metabolise body fat, helps with digestion of food, and flushes toxins from the body among numerous other functions.
Ideas to help your child drink more water
Make it fun
Let your children choose their special cup that they get to drink water only from. Leave their special cup of water where your child can easily reach it and have it on hand whenever you are out and about.
If your child loves ice as so many kids do, purchase some creative ice trays to help make it fun. Get your child to be part of the journey by getting them to get the ice tray out of the fridge and into their special cup. You can even turn it into a game for some good laughs, ‘let’s see if you can drink the water before the ice melts’.
If you child prefers to drink with a straw, purchase some reusable drinking straws as you will go through a lot to help them drink their water. Keep the straws for drinking water only, make it a novelty.
Make it available 24/7
Always leave their special cup of water where your child can reach it so when they are thirsty, they know where to go and make sure it is available 24/7.
Be creative – think out the box
Make the move to drinking more water easier by being creative with your child’s water. Stick some slices of their favourite fruit in there, such as strawberries, cut up oranges, blueberries to add some flavour. It also make the water look enticing to drink.
Be an example
Children are always watching and mimicking what we as parents do as you know. Encourage them when to drink water and let them see you drinking the water. Be an example to them and make drinking water a part of your family’s lifestyle no matter whether you are home or out and about.
Limit their options
Don’t have too many options available as it can be over whelming and make choosing water to drink almost impossible. Try to only have water, milk and one of their favourite juices as an example available. Make a cup of their favourite juice the ‘reward’ for finishing their required water intake at the end of the day. This gives them something to look forward to and helps them feel accomplished.
All of these ideas will help them to remember to drink water regularly throughout the day. The idea is to also be consistent and in time it will be part of their daily life where they will automatically be opting to drink water as their first choice.
Where to next?
Ensuring your children are drinking water that is clear from any harmful bacteria is just as important as them remembering to drink water as it has the potential to cause health threats. This is one of the reason why Waterways have developed a CC1 Quad Action filtration system. This system has been specifically designed to provide you with a constant source of clean, sweet tasting water.
Why is it important for your children to consume clean water? With the increase of pollutants which are finding their way into our water supply, resulting in our water being filled with a high percentage of water toxins.
So not only is it important that you drink water, it is also essential that you and your children drink clean filtered water.
At Waterways, we provide sophisticated and targeted methods of ensuring your drinking water remains safe to drink and reducing the need for chemical treatments.
Image by Matthias Rippon Flickr (CC by 2.0)